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New York Personal Injury Blog

How Does The New Expanded Provider Law Affect NY Workers?

Signed into law and effective beginning January 1, 2020, New York’s Expanded Provider Law gives injured workers a greater number of health care options when receiving workers’ compensation benefits. Employees covered by the Empire State’s workers’ compensation system may now have access to thousands of…

How To Be A Defensive Driver

Defensive driving is a key component to staying safe on the roadways, particularly when aggressive drivers surround you during peak traffic hours. This useful skill can be the difference between ending up at your desired destination and ending up in a hospital bed. Defensive driving…

Your Injury, An Uninsured Driver And The No-Fault Regulation

If you sustain an injury in a vehicle accident caused by an uninsured driver, what happens next? New York is a no-fault insurance state, but how can you be sure you will receive adequate compensation? What steps should you take after the accident? Understanding no-fault…

How To Avoid Traffic Accidents This Winter

Every winter, New Yorkers become acutely aware of how easy it can be to get involved in a weather-related accident. The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Highway Administration reports that at least 24% of weather-related vehicular accidents every year are a result of the icy…

Tips For Safe Travels This Holiday Season

The holidays usually consist of fun times with friends, family and lots of food. As you prepare the food and begin your holiday shopping, you may overlook one critical aspect—the travel. Thousands of people hit the roads for the holiday season. No matter what holiday…

Kensington Home Explodes, At Least 3 People Injured

When you go to work, you know to expect some risks. You can take steps to minimize the chance of accidents happening. Workers who go into people’s homes might face additional risks that they can’t control. A recent story out of Kensington emphasizes how important…

Watch For Signs Of Nursing Home Negligence

Nursing homes should be a place of rest for everyone who lives there. Sadly, not all employees in these facilities do what is best for the residents. Negligence is a big problem in some, and putting an end to it is a priority. You can…

Try To Avoid A Head-On Crash If Possible

All drivers should have an idea of how to avoid having a crash. One type of accident that is particularly dangerous is the head-on collision because it puts two vehicles that are traveling at high speeds against each other. These crashes can easily be fatal,…

Lung Illnesses From Vaping Can Be Fatal

Vaping has long been touted as being safer than smoking cigarettes; however, an outbreak of lung illnesses linked to vaping shows that this might not be the case. These illnesses have occurred all over the country, and it is now thought that the culprit of…

Steps To Take When Making A Car Insurance Claim

Making a car insurance claim is more difficult than it sounds, as it’s critical to take all the right steps at the right time. For example, if you pass the entire process off to your agent, assuming they’ll do what’s best for you, it’s possible…



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