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Yearly Archives: 2021

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Falls Are The Leading Cause Of Death On Construction Sites

Working in construction in New York involves certain risks, and some of the most notable risks you face in your line of work involve falls. Falls have become the leading cause of death in construction, leading employers and safety advocates to question what they might…

How Do Physicians Diagnose Brain Injuries?

If you get into a serious accident, you could be at risk for a brain injury. These injuries typically occur after a violent jolt or blow to the head and can result in short-term symptoms that resolve after a few days to lasting brain damage.…

Construction Trenches May Collapse During Winter Months

Construction sites are often full of trenches workers use to build foundations, install utilities and perform other functions. If a trench is deeper than five feet, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration requires it to have a trench box. This structure helps to prevent trench…

What Damages Can Plaintiffs Collect For Wrongful Death?

After someone dies due to someone else’s negligence, his or her family may have to contend with extreme financial hardship while also coping with a devastating loss. A legal action for wrongful death may provide a way for families to manage the immediate economic impact…

New York Law Describes Scaffolding Structure To Keep Workers Safe

Building and remodeling projects go on nonstop in New York and as a veteran construction worker, you have undoubtedly seen your share. Section 240 of New York Labor Law sets out the guidelines for safe scaffolding, which is intended to keep workers from experiencing serious…

A Vehicle-Pedestrian Collision And The New York Insurance Law

As a pedestrian, you are always vulnerable to injury if a vehicle strikes you, and severe, life-changing injuries are not uncommon. If you are the victim of a crash, your first concern is recovery from your injuries. The next concern is how to pay your…

3 Ways To Protect Yourself When Riding On A Motorcycle

Warmer weather is here, and it is time to get the motorcycle out of storage. Are you getting antsy and cannot wait to get out on the road? First, calm yourself down and remember that you may not get to your destination if you do…

Should You Sign Blanket Medical Authorizations After An Accident?

Car accident injuries are common in New York and across the country. In fact, every year, about 4.4 million Americans require emergency medical care for the injuries they suffer in motor vehicle accidents. Fortunately, if you have sustained a crash-related injury, you may be eligible…

3 Tips For Keeping Your Hardhat In Tip-Top Shape

If you work in construction, your hardhat may be one of the more important tools of your trade. After all, when you work in places where something may fall on your head, your hardhat may be your only defense against a traumatic brain injury, spinal…

Where Is The Safest Place In A Ride-Hailing Vehicle?

If you regularly use Uber, Lyft or another ride-hailing service, you undoubtedly appreciate the convenience of letting someone else drive. You also do not have to pay for maintenance or wear and tear on your car. Still, ride-hailing vehicles are not immune from serious car…



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