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Yearly Archives: 2017

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Why Would You Use A Third-Party Claim After A Workplace Injury?

You get hurt on the job, and you know you can seek out workers’ compensation to cover your costs. This may include lost wages, for example, and your medical bills. However, you may consider a third-party claim, which is when you start a lawsuit to…

3 Ways To Increase Your Safety On Ladders

Ladder falls are one of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) top causes for fatal construction accidents. Even though the chance of a fall goes up when you are on a ladder, there are things you can do to keep yourself safe. Here’s some…

Young Workers Face Serious Risks In The Workplace

Younger workers may be enthusiastic and eager to learn, but they also represent a serious risk in the workplace. They’re more likely to suffer nonfatal injuries than older workers. That information comes from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), which is part…

Contracting Companies Have Not Yet Started To Use Safety Tech

The dangers of being a construction worker are infinite, but every year new safety technologies are emerging to help contractors keep their employees safe at job sites. Some contractors have even started to use drones to improve worker safety. However, most of the latest safety…

‘Beware Of Dog’ Signs Have A Complicated Role In Court

You were bitten by a dog. You were out for a run and you had to duck through someone’s yard to avoid a car parked on the sidewalk. The dog darted out and bit you as you went through. You want to recover damages for…

Teen Driver Killed In T-Bone Accident

An 18-year-old driver in New York is dead after his Volkswagen Passat was T-boned at an intersection by a Toyota Sienna. A T-bone accident is typically quite traumatic since the driver who is hit doesn’t see the accident coming and isn’t able to avoid it.…

Incorrect Use Of A Ladder: What Not To Do

Ladder accidents often happen simply because people do not use the ladders correctly. This does not always mean the worker is entirely to blame. The instructions may have been unclear. The worker’s boss may have insisted that he or she use the ladder improperly to…

What Do Workers’ Compensation Payments Cover?

Every accident is a bit different, so the specifics can vary, but workers’ compensation may apply to a lot of related costs. One thing to note is that workers who are hurt often cannot sue for compensation if they have already decided to take workers’…

Federal Ladder Standards That Must Be Met

Ladders are one of the most common tools used on a job site, but they can also be one of the most dangerous. Every year, falls cause serious injuries and even take lives. Ladders must be used safely. That said, even workers who use ladders…

Fall Off A Ladder In NY? 2 Areas Of The Law Can Help.

Construction workers face serious dangers. One type of accident that can lead to serious injuries in this line of work involves falling off scaffolding and ladders. These tools help workers get to areas that are otherwise unreachable. These tools are a benefit to the work…



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