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Yearly Archives: 2010

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New York Landlord Negligence: Your Landlord’s Duty to You

Have you ever been hurt because your landlord neglected to fix something that’s broken in your building? If you answered “yes,” then you ought to know that landlords and property owners have a responsibility to remedy defective and hazardous conditions in your building and that…

New York Inadequate Security Can Happen Anywhere

Inadequate security is a specific kind of premises liability, in which an owner or operator of a business or property may be held legally accountable for harm that befalls anyone who engages in his business or enters his property. These injuries may occur in places…

The Benefit of Hiring an Experienced Construction Accident Site Attorney – New York Legal Advice

New York construction site accidents can involve more than one legally liable party so consulting with an attorney is definitely a good idea if you’ve been injured in a New York construction site accident. Some liable parties can be easily identified by anyone even without…

Fatal Car Accident Lawyers – New York

In the US, 115 people die every day from car accidents. That’s one death ever thirteen minutes. These figures are shocking and sobering. New York car accidents can destroy the lives of those unfortunate enough to be involved in them. They can result in almost…

Suffolk County Personal Injury Attorney: New York Negligence and Tort Laws

Suffolk County personal injury law is based on two principles: negligence and intentional acts. Negligence involves someone bringing about harm without the intention to cause injury. Vehicular accidents (if a person is not breaking the law), slip and fall accidents and professional malpractice accidents are…

Lead Poisoning Attorneys – New York Still Has a Problem

Though many people would like to think that lead poisoning is no longer a problem in this day and age, it is still poses a very serious threat to our nation’s children. Every other house constructed between 1940 and 1960 has lead-based paint coating their…

What Good Auto Accident Injury Lawyers Should Do for Their Clients

Many car accident lawyers do not seem to learn from the mistakes of their peers, seeing that these mistakes are made over and over again. The best way to increase the value of your case is to get a car accident attorney who consciously avoids…

The Importance of Getting the Best Long Island Personal Injury Lawyer

The best Long Island personal injury lawyers define personal injury as a mental, physical or emotional hurt. Personal injury may arise from a person’s intentional or unintentional action. The common law defines a tort as a civil wrong. If you are suffering from a personal…

Slip and Fall Attorneys NYC – Accidents Involving Ice and Snow

According to leading slip and fall attorneys, NYC residents are injured every year from slipping and falling on snow and ice that is not properly removed. If you are one of those people, and you are contemplating a lawsuit, there are a few things you…

New York Slip and Fall Law: What Is Reasonable Care?

In determining if a property owner exercised a degree of care that is “reasonable,” New York slip and fall law concentrates on whether the owner makes regular and thorough efforts to keep the property safe and clean. Here are some questions that New York slip…



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